TORNADO HQ: waiting on update ...

Outlook for Columbus, Ohio: 15% risk detected

Severe Weather Outlook

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Hayley here - Do you like lofi music and terrifyingly loud computer voices? Then stop by the 24/7 ish severe weather live stream!

National Severe Weather Outlook

Overview of the threat for the next few days

Wednesday, March 26
Thursday, March 27
Friday, March 28
Saturday, March 29
Sunday, March 30
Monday, March 31
Tuesday, April 1
Wednesday, April 2

Clicking any of the above images will take you directly to that outlook's detail page. Or you can view all severe outlooks on one page →

Overview of the threat for the next few hours

Severe Weather Watches (shown on the image below) indicate potential threats from now through the next few hours.

View more details on the watches page.

National Risk Overview

Wednesday, March 26
HAIL: 15%
WIND: 5%
Thursday, March 27
HAIL: 15%
WIND: 15%
Friday, March 28
Saturday, March 29
ANY SEVERE: low / uncertain
Sunday, March 30
Monday, March 31
Tuesday, April 1
ANY SEVERE: predictability too low
Wednesday, April 2
ANY SEVERE: predictability too low

Your Severe Outlook

Risks for this location

Severe Weather Definitions

Any size tornado is considered severe.
Winds 58 mph and greater.
1" and larger hail.
"Any Severe"
For outlooks for days 3-8, it could mean a threat of any or all of the following: wind, hail, or tornadoes.

For black colored risks that means there is an enhanced threat of significant severe weather. Depending on the threat, this could mean 75 mph and greater winds, 2" and larger hail, or EF2 and stronger tornadoes.

Hi, I'm Hayley. Did you know that I run this site out of my own pocket? So if you'd like to help out and you're already planning on buying something off of Amazon, why not use our Amazon Severe Weather Outlook link before you buy and we'll get a tiny portion of your purchase.


Severe Weather Outlook Amazon link →

About Severe Weather Outlook . com

SWO started as a spinoff project of wickedwx, but has since replaced the site.